K4 through 12th Grades

Instruct • Impact • Inspire

“For Me To Live Is Christ”

 Lebanon Christian Academy exists to provide Godly education and Biblical training for the children of Lebanon County.  For more than 45 years LCA has stood for the traditional values and conservative philosophies outlined in God's Word, the Bible.  Read More…

  • For over 45 years, Open Door Baptist Church has been privileged to operate Lebanon Christian Academy to benefit our membership and other families in our area who are committed to seeing their children academically prepared through a Christian worldview. Although many things have changed within our culture and in the field of academia, Lebanon Christian Academy remains committed to the principles upon which we were founded. These principles can be defined in the following statements.

    LCA strives to follow Biblical principles and practices in fulfilling our mission.

    LCA seeks to facilitate the Biblical training of children through the home, the church, and the school.

    LCA desires to foster the normal growth of our students (mental, physical, spiritual, and social - Luke 2:52)

    LCA remains focused on ensuring the building of godly character in the lives of our students.

    We believe that the Lord, through the means of education, has opened an effectual door of opportunity to work with the next generation and help them know God, love Him, follow Him, and serve Him with their lives. This is why we are committed to intentionally discipling every student so that they love the truth. It is our prayer that LCA will continue to faithfully…

    Instruct every student in the truths of the Bible

    Impact every life through the power of the Gospel

    Inspire our students and families to be faithful to the Lord through the local church.

    May the Lord richly bless these endeavors as we seek to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).

    — Jeffrey D. Bateman, Pastor

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During your visit, you and your child can tour the school and grounds and have all your questions or concerns addressed. Contact us and request your visit today.

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for 2025-2026

JH/SH Department

Meet Our Team


Meet our Team


Meet our Team


Meet Our Team • Instruct • Meet our Team • Impact • Meet our Team • Inspire

Lebanon Christian Academy will work to achieve academic excellence in every area of study.  We desire to motivate each student in the classroom to achieve his or her full potential and to put forth a complete effort to that end. They do not have to be the best, but we want them to give their best.

Lebanon Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin and affords them all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. LCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, or any school administered programs.