Distance Learning

It is our heart and prayer to be able to teach and minister to your children in a traditional classroom setting the entire school year. The following requirements have been put in place in an effort to keep our students learning during unexpected school closures or student absences. Instructions on how to login to G Suite can be found on


Instructions on how to access students accounts will be provided by the teachers. In the event of a lost or forgotten password please contact the office at LCA.Office@comcast.net

  • K4

    Students will not be required to complete work during days of absences or if school closures; therefore, no G Suite accounts have been created for them.

  • K5- 2nd Grades

    Planned / Unplanned Absences: Parents can pick up school work by the end of school days. Work can be returned to the office throughout the week.

    Unexpected School Closures: (Textbooks & Workbooks must be picked up at the office) G Suite classroom will be available for live meetings with the teacher for instructions, Bible and reading time. Work will still need to be picked up and dropped off at the office after completion. (Live classes will not be required every day)

  • 3rd - 6th Grades

    Planned / Unplanned Absences: (Textbooks & Workbooks must be picked up at the office) Students are required to log in to their Google classroom for daily assignment. Completed work should be returned to the teacher upon returning to school.

    Unexpected School Closures: (Textbooks & Workbooks must be picked up at the office) Students are required to log in to their google classroom for daily assignments. Completed work can be sent by email or dropped off at the office. Notifications will be sent to the G Suite emails for scheduled live classroom time. ( Live classes will not be required every day)

  • Junior High / High School

    Planned / Unplanned Absences: (Textbooks & Workbooks must be picked up at the office). Students are responsible for completing daily assignments for all classes in their Google classrooms and returning completed work to the teacher upon return to school.

    Unexpected school Closures: (Textbooks & Workbooks must be picked up at the office). Students will be required to attend live classes and complete daily assignments for each class. Live classes will be scheduled by teachers following their existing daily schedules. Students will receive notifications via their G Suite email. Scheduled live Classes also can be viewed on their G Suite calendars.