Elementary Department
Striving to Honor God.
A note from the department supervisor.
We’ve had a great start to our year in elementary as we’ve been striving to do all to the glory of God. Our theme this year is “For to me to live is Christ!” Philippinas1:21. We are working daily to equip our students with the tools they need to serve God well.
Our afternoon Unity Games and monthly service projects are helping us encourage our students to serve Christ through serving others. The Matzko’s science program showed us some wonders of God’s amazing creation. We also enjoyed visits from our firefighters, the BJU music team, and a forest ranger with Smokey the Bear! We have also begun our annual field trips.
Please pray that our attitudes, words, and behavior as an elementary would honor God this year. Pray that we would have a godly testimony in our community.
Stay up to date with our activities so that you can be involved.
Catherine Herb
Elementary Department Supervisor